
Unlocking the Benefits of Repetition in Learning

Digemy’s goal is to make the repetition process simple by using our unique learning platform to ensure that learners only repeat the information they haven’t yet committed to long-term memory.

Unlocking the Benefits of Repetition in Learning

Repetitio mater studiorum est. Or for those of us who happened to miss that Latin lesson: Repetition is the mother of learning

At Digemy we believe this is true because let’s face it - you cannot apply what you cannot remember. And when it comes to retaining information, the brain does this in two ways: through heightened emotion or repetition.

Heightened emotion can be harder to create in the workplace, so repetition becomes the perfect tool for fostering long-term learning success!

So, why is repetition so important? Well, with most learning experiences, you’ll forget about 70% of what you have learnt just one day after learning it, and about 95% after just two months. However, repetition allows you to develop a broader and deeper understanding of content, helping you to remember it for longer.

Learn smarter, not harder

How do we achieve this? Learning smarter essentially means learning how to learn faster, more effectively, and retain what you’re learning.

For example, by training employees smarter, a company can ensure that the training will be effective in the long term, all while saving time and money. And by ensuring that content is simple to repeat, repetition will remain at the heart of your training.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Present the content in micro, bite-sized chunks
  • Don’t be afraid to add multimedia like quick videos and concise infographics
  • Keep the content short enough to capture and keep the attention of your employees

The trick lies in repeating the content at the right time, for the right learner, over the right period of time. In other words, by spacing the repetition of content over time, the brain has enough time to digest the information and realise that it is important to remember - hence the repetition!

What are the benefits of reinforcing concepts over time?


  • Grow more confident in the topics they are learning about
  • Build skills that can be applied in their work
  • Make fewer mistakes on the job
  • Close more knowledge gaps
  • Have the ability to recall vital information when needed

Where does Digemy fit in?

Digemy’s goal is to make the repetition process simple by using our unique microlearning platform to ensure that learners only repeat the information they haven’t yet committed to long-term memory.

At the beginning of this blog, we revealed how much the average person forgets if they do not reengage with content repeatedly. Without looking, can you remember that percentage?

No? Sounds like it’s time for you to explore Digemy and experience the power of repetition first-hand!

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