Why is data necessary for microlearning?
As a technology-first platform, we’re all about data. It’s central to our offering as it is easily collected, easily accessible and can provide great insights. Besides this, the data can also guide learner pathways in terms of which questions get queued to which learner - all based on their past behaviour on the platform.
The process is about transforming raw data into useful insights that can then be used to create the best user experience by noting where the learner’s journey and the platform can improve.
These data points can give learning administrators a deeper look into learner behaviours and the success of their content and can guide the process of nudging learners.
What is nudging?
According to the dictionary, nudging is described as “gently coaxing or encouraging someone to do something”. Bringing this broad definition back to the world of data and e-learning, nudging encourages learners to engage on a learning platform.
Typically, with online learning, the drop-off stats are quite strong, as learners become more disinterested in learning after a few weeks. With accurate data, however, we can limit this by using automated interventions or ‘nudges’, such as subtle and personalised email reminders to go back to the platform.
Digemy nudges learners through tailored communications sent out to each learner based on their specific learning needs. We identify each learner’s knowledge gaps based on the data we’ve gathered, and nudge them to re-engage with the content they’re struggling with the most.
The act of nudging through the use of insightful data helps assist a learning intervention in reaching mass adoption and does not become a waste of resources for corporates that spend money creating learning opportunities that then collect dust. After all, it does not help to spend money on a brilliant course if your learners aren’t engaging with it.